Sunday 26 August 2007

Lazy Sunday - Awesome God!

Sitting here enjoying the warm sunshine on my back, thinking "Ain't life Grand" Had a wonderful worship service at church this morning. Thinking about how important it is to not just read and study Gods word but also to put it into practice and let it guide our every step.

Now resting in his presence and giving thanks for the safe return of my friends Harry and Viv who returned this week after a year on mission in Tanzania. Oh it was so good to see them again. Also giving thanks for the 5 babies that have safely arrived in this world in the last 2 months to add to the joy in our church family. We now have three little boys and two little girls to cuddle on a sunday morning.

One in particular is a testimony to the amazing power of prayer and the grace of God. He was found to have cysts growing on his lungs when he was in the womb. All through the pregnancy his Mum and Dad were anxiously praying and holding on to the hope of healing. They were told that his chances of survival were slim and even if he was born alive he would need an operation straight away. WELL ! he was born on 28th July this year and is fine he didnt even go into the special care unit. Our God is an AWESOME God !

This afternoon I am scrolling through the pages of my friends' blogs and found, on JM's blog, that he has a guy coming to his church in September that I worked with in beach missions many times back in my teen years.

I have to go to that event! It will be so good to catch up with Gus. not sure if JM will be back from USA by then, but I will go anyway (Good job it aint too far from me lol)

Ok so now Im gonna sign off and go spend some time outside in this beautiful sunshine.

God bless my friends
love you all.

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